Monday 12 November 2007


Why are we drawn to challenges?
Why don’t we cut ourselves some slack?
Why do we always fall in love -
With those who just can’t love us back?
It leaves us empty, unfulfilled
The heartache, wondering, questions why?
Like addicts crave a promised hit
Forever searching for that high.
Anticipation draws us in
Delirious , out of control
As manic head and heart collide
Pursuing their elusive goal.
In moments fraught with clarity
Consciousness seeps and thoughts provoke,
Awareness and uncertainty
Remind of every promise broke
Yet fortitude is swept away
With utterance of wants and needs
As once again all will dissolves -
Expectantly your hunger feeds
A thirst that just cannot be quenched
An appetite not to be filled
As disappointment once again
Wipes every trace of hope instilled.
Back and forth emotions swing
The habit formed, the pattern set
And then you start to count the cost -
Your heart and soul, a priceless debt.