Friday 2 November 2007

A Girl's First Time

The door closing behind me acts as a trigger, stirring the butterflies up within me. Anticipation bubbles up inside as if an active volcano, waiting to erupt. The closed door - a barrier now, between everything safe and familiar and everything yet to come - seems somehow symbolic and I know that, when I return, things will never be the same.
Mounting excitement animates me, charging me with energy. Its momentum controlling my movements, skipping along until almost running. All the time tugging at my father's sleeve as he walks calmly at my side. We make our way through streets and alleys, once almost deserted, now suddenly springing to life as shades of blue and white converge to form a heaving mass. Single word greetings exchanged with the occasional nod of acknowledgement as the throng drifts along, seemingly aimless, yet with its own sense of purpose and direction. Jostled along, I hold tightly to my father's hand, afraid I might be sucked into a hidden chasm and lost amid the surrounding sea of colour.
Gradually, the oceanic movement slows to the ripple of a stream as the ground swell ebbs steadily inwards. As I look up, great iron gates tower above, shielding the vast monument inside. I gaze in awe at the huge imposing structure around me - a flood of colour slowly seeping into every corner. I am captivated by emblem-clad figures that surround me, proudly displaying the crest of a lion as proof of their allegiance. I listen avidly, to almost intimate banter exchanged between them.
The sound of the whistle becomes a spark, igniting the match. The exhibition of skills drawing my attention like a magnet, capturing my concentration. Enthralled by the reaction it evokes, I watch fathers and sons in union and it fills me with envy.
Midway, the battle is interrupted briefly and, left savouring my first taste, I am hungry for more. I watch as the surrounding hordes refuel in haste - deliberating raucously between mouthfuls - and I know that my appetite could not be so easily satisfied as agitation spreads through me, increasing restlessness.
Finally, the mood changes to one of expectancy and, filled with anticipation, I welcome the return. Again engrossed in the display of genious, I find my voice merging with others as I pledge, in unison, my new found devotion. Gender and youthfulness a barrier no more as I discover intense passion deep within my adolescent frame.
Swiftly, all eyes focused, a lone figure breaks free from the pack; leaving the enemy behind, his path unhindered. Target clearly in his sights he aims his missile and fires with precision. It seems to take an eternity to reach its destination and the suspense intensifies. Then slowly, the sound creeps around the arena, at first as a murmur, a rumble of thunder, increasing in volume until the structure is filled with a euphoric roar. And me? Im totally and utterly hooked.